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Пресс-релизы. Иные события

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Пресс-релизы. Иные события ScienceSoft Inc. - member of NOA

Заголовок: ScienceSoft Inc. - member of NOA

Компания: ScienceSoft Inc.

ScienceSoft Inc. has successfully completed the procedure of entry into National Outsourcing Association of Great Britain (NOA). This action promises to ScienceSoft a wide range of opportunities to consolidate the position in British IT-market.

NOA is the oldest European outsourcing association that unites a number of companies interested in outsourcing and includes suppliers, end users and consultant organizations from Europe. Joining NOA ScienceSoft has got a chance to represent offshore software development services along with Western Europe companies and on equal terms to participate in subject seminars and network meetings held by NOA. Besides ScienceSoft now has a unique opportunity to enrich its vision of organizing an outsourcing process with
useful experience of other NOA members. ScienceSoft will make sure to demonstrate to the full extent its capabilities and establish a stronger and more prominent presence in the European IT market.

ScienceSoft (http://www.scnsoft.com) has been in the market of offshore software development since 1989 being one of the most mature companies of Eastern Europe. We specialize in offshore software development, doing software development projects for middle and big companies across the world. If you need more information, you are welcome to contact us at contact @ scnsoft.com.

Контактная информация:
Контактное лицо: Milun Alena
marketing manager
E-mail: webadmin@scnsoft.com
Телефон: +375 17 2933736

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