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Продвинутый English

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Продвинутый English

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Выпуск #97
Еженедельный электронный журнал для изучающих английский язык

Здравствуйте, коллеги! Примите, пожалуйста, участие в голосовании:
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Если вам нравится "Продвинутый English", то можно проголосовать в разделе "Образование, карьера, психология и развитие личности".

Повторим грамматику 96-го выпуска от 18.01.05.
Complete the sentences with some- (some) or any- (any).
a) You can order ..........thing you want ..........time you want it.
b) ......... body who saw the accident should contact the police.
c) Sally was upset about ..... thing and she refused to talk to .....one.
d) If there are ....... words you don't understand, use a dictionary.

Minds, like bodies, will often fall into a pimpled, ill-conditioned state from mere excess of comfort.
Charles Dickens.
pimple - прыщ
excess - чрезмерность, неумеренность, избыток, излишек


1) to be blue - хандрить
Don't be blue..we'll cheer you up
out of the blue - совершенно неожиданно, как гром среди ясного неба
It's so out of the blue - это так неожиданно
His decision to leave the company came completely out of the blue. - его решение покинуть компанию было совершенно неожиданно.
Don't run around being blue
Remember my friend
Everybody can't win
'Cuz you know sometime, sometime
You got to lose..." The Rolling Stones. "You Can Make It If You Try".

2) to take a test/an exam - проходить тест (проверку,испытания)/сдавать экзамен
to pass a test/an exam - (успешно) пройти тест (выдержать испытания)/(успешно) сдать экзамен

When you go to get your license, you may not pass the first time you take the test.
It is important to keep in mind that failing once doesn't mean that you never will pass.
Like anything in life, you can make it if you try hard.

to give a test/an exam - дать кому-л. контрольную работу/тест/испытание/ проводить экзамен
foreman - мастер, бригадир, начальник цеха
carpenter - плотник, столяр
lumber - пиломатериалы, строевой лес, бревна

A blind carpenter walks into a lumber mill and shouts out, "I am a blind carpenter and I need a job."
The foreman walks over to the blind carpenter and says, "If you're blind, how can you work in a lumber yard?"
The blind carpenter says, "I can tell any piece of lumber by its smell."
The foreman says "O.K. I'll give you a test and if you pass the test, you've got a job."
The foreman takes the carpenter over to a table and says, "I will put some lumber on a table in front of you and you tell me what it is."
The foreman then puts a piece of lumber on the table and says, "Ready!"
The carpenter bends over and takes a deep sniff moving his head from one side to the other. He says "That's a number two pine, two by four, eight foot long."
The foreman says, "Duh! That's right, but pine is easy to tell by the smell and I think you guessed the rest. Here's another piece of lumber for you to identify."
The foreman puts a piece of lumber on the table and says, "Ready!"
The blind carpenter bends over and takes a deep sniff moving his head from one side to the other and says, "This is a tough one, please turn it over so I can smell the other side."
The foreman does this and says "Ready!"
The carpenter takes another deep sniff moving his head from side to side. He then says, "That's a clear heart red wood, four by four, six foot long."
The foreman is amazed and says "That's right, but I still think you're just lucky and still guessing. Let me try one more time and if you get it right you got a job."
The foreman then goes into the office and asks his secretary to help him stump the blind carpenter by taking off all of her clothes and laying down on the table. She takes off her clothes walks out of the office and lays face down on the table. The foreman says, "Ready!"
The blind carpenter takes a deep sniff moving his head from side to side. He looks puzzled and takes another sniff and says, "This also is a tough one, please turn it over so I can smell the other side."
The foreman gestures with his hand to the secretary, she rolls over, and the foreman says, "Ready!"
The blind carpenter moves his head from side to side again looking puzzled. He sniffs one more time, looks surprised, and says, "I got it. That's a shit house door off a tuna boat."
He got the job.

"Would prefer to do (not doing) = Would rather do (not doing, not to do)
Would prefer to do or Would rather do is used to say what somebody wants in a particular situation (not in general).

I'd prefer to stay at home tonight rather than go to the cinema.
or I'd rather stay at home tonight than go to the cinema."[1]

"Reich disagreed with me. He asked: "Don't you think that's our job?"
I said: "No, I'd rather learn than teach""[2]

a) You can order anything you want anytime you want it.
b) Anybody who saw the accident should contact the police.
c) Sally was upset about something and she refused to talk to anyone.
d) If there are any words you don't understand, use a dictionary.

Читайте в четвертом выпуске образовательного еженедельника «Продвинутый English+» 27.01.05.
1. Информация по употреблению предлогов (for, of, to, in, towards, with, between) с существительными.
2. Некоторые, не в каждом учебнике встречающиеся, нюансы употребления артиклей.
1. Лексика: to kill, make a killing, to conform, to comply, message-massage.
2. Три одинаково популярных как у нас, так и у них пословицы.

Вопросы, поступившие в редакцию, ответы на которые в четвертом выпуске образовательного еженедельника «Продвинутый English+»:

1. Что объединяет две пословицы: «Как волка ни корми, а он все в лес смотрит» и «Горбатого могила исправит»?
2. Что объединяет следующие две группы слов: Fulcrum, Foxbat, Fishbed, Fresco, Fitter, Flanker и Hip, Hind?
3. Как правильно: equivalent to или equivalent of?
4. Выражение They must have been enjoying themselves (Выпуск AE+ от 06.01.2005) разве не Perfect Continuous? Если так, то оно должно переводиться чем-то вроде - Они должно быть хорошо проводят время, т.е. процесс продолжается до сих пор. Правильный ли перевод вы привели?
5. В одном из выпусков раcсылки «Продвинутый English» были приведены примеры употребления just then без перевода. А как же это следует переводить?

Архив рассылки находится здесь: АРХИВ

1. English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy.
2. Colin Wilson "The Mind Parasites".

Комментарии и дополнения ко всем статьям выпуска приветствуются на thankssomuch@mail15.com.

Автор рассылки Костенко Андрей Владимирович.
Этот выпуск подготовила Любовь Абрамова.

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(c) 2003-2005 Ru-English Educational Project

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