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м. Цветной Бульвар

м.ул. 1905 года

м. Молодежная



The past perfect simple is formed with the past simple of the verb to have (had / had not) + the past participle of the main verb. We use the past perfect simple to talk about an action in the past which happened before another past action.

When we got to the cinema, the film had started.

Stuart looked very different. He had grown a beard.

The past perfect continuous is formed with the past perfect of the verb to be (had been / had not been) + the -ing form of the main verb. We use the past perfect continuous to talk about a continuous action in the past that had been going on right up until the time we are referring to and was still continuing, or had stopped shortly before the time we are referring to.

When we got to the party, our friends had been dancing for a long time. (and they were still dancing)

I had been studying for over four hours. (before I stopped to take a break)

The past perfect passive is formed with the past perfect of the verb to be (had been / had not been) + the past participle of the main verb. The past perfect passive is used, as with the other passive tenses, when we do not know who did the action or it is not important who did it .

When I got to the ticket office, all the tickets had been sold.

The street cleaners spent hours cleaning up the litter that had been thrown on the ground..

Адреса наших школ: м. Молодежная, ул. Бобруйская, д.6, кор.2, м. Цветной Бульвар, ул. Садовая - Самотечная, д. 13, офис 413, м. Улица 1905 года, Шмитовский проезд, д.5 Наши телефоны (запись на консультацию, тестирование или пробное занятие): 8(495) 517-6304 8(495) 507-3504

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