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Английский язык - говори сейчас!



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м. Цветной Бульвар

м.ул. 1905 года

м. Молодежная



1. In formal situations and often in a written English, we often use that / those to avoid repetition of nouns. When we are referring to people we must use those.

There are people who support this idea just as there are those who are against it.

2. To avoid repeating noun phrases, we can use do / did so, think so and hope so.

I asked him to call an ambulance and he did so immediately.

3. To avoid repeating ideas, we can use so / neither, nor. These phrases take on the meaning of also. Note that the subject and object are inverted in these sentences.

He didn't enjoy the meal and neither did I.


We often leave words out in English. This is known as "ellipsis" and is especially true of informal spoken language.

A: Did you like the film? = Like the film?

B: Yes, I liked the film. = Yes, I did.

A: Do you want some more chocolate? = Want some more chocolate?

B: I'd love some. = Love some.

Адреса наших школ: м. Молодежная, ул. Бобруйская, д.6, кор.2, м. Цветной Бульвар, ул. Садовая - Самотечная, д. 13, офис 413, м. Улица 1905 года, Шмитовский проезд, д.5 Наши телефоны (запись на консультацию, тестирование или пробное занятие): 8(495) 517-6304 8(495) 507-3504

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