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Продвинутый English

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Продвинутый English

A warm welcome to all subscribers! Здравствуйте, уважаемые подписчики!
Выпуск #124
Еженедельный электронный журнал для изучающих английский язык

Hello, dear subscribers! We are pleased to announce a short story by Otto Pfarrer in this issue.
As you are the very first readers of the story, your feed-back is very important for us.
First of all, our thank-yous go to Egor and Irina for being hawk-eyed readers who spotted the following misprints in the previous issue:
.... a noun ends the exclamatory phrase
'What a delicious pineapple this is'
"I don't want to talk about this, it's too depressing."

Today's "notes in Syntax" are kindly provided by Dr.Peter Ortutay


Sentences may be joined by punctuation alone, by coordinate conjunctions, or by conjunctive adverbs. The two parts of such combined sentences are coordinate clauses; that is, the clauses are grammatically equal.

1. Joined by punctuation alone – John was ill (sick, AE); he didn’t come to school.
2. Joined by a coordinate conjunction and, but, so, or, nor, for, yet – John was ill, so he didn’t come to school.
3. Joined by a conjunctive adverb – John was ill; therefore, he didn’t come to school.

Note that a semicolon replaces a full stop (period, AE) of the first sentence except when a coordinate conjunction joins the clauses. If both clauses are short, the comma may be omitted before a coordinate conjunction. If one or both clauses are long, the part of the conjunctive adverb, or even with the coordinate conjunction, may be separated to form a new sentence.

We got no messages about grammar tests, nevertheless, there're some exercises in this issue to give an example of them.
If you want to check yourself on points of grammar by means of tests in the future issues, just let us know.

Exercises. Combine sentences by a coordinate conjunction, by punctuation, or by a conjunctive adverb.

Mr. Smith was very angry at his boss’s order. He decided to obey it anyhow.

Mr. Smith was very angry at his boss’s order; he decided to obey it anyhow.
Mr. Smith was very angry at his boss’s decision, yet he decided to obey it.
Mr. Smith was very angry at his boss’s decision; however, he obeyed it. (Anyhow is replaced by however.)

Exercise 1:
Mr. Smith doesn’t like his aunt. He invited her to his wedding anyway.

Error reports spotting mistakes and relevant contributions to this newsletter are welcome at thankssomuch@mail15.com.
Please write in English.

And now we are very pleased to announce:

Old Guys on Motor Bikes

-- By Otto Pfarrer --

At the time these things happened, I was slightly embittered by circumstances which I deemed simply a series of repeated failures.

embitter - to arouse bitter feelings in: was embittered by years of unrewarded labor.
deem - to regard as; consider: deemed the results unsatisfactory.
a series - a number of objects or events arranged or coming one after the other in succession.

There hung uncertainty in the atmosphere all over and around me. At least it seemed to. I felt lost in the maze of events, for had absolutely no idea what to do further on in the future. By future I meant that little time that might have been portioned out for me by heavenly forces to spend in this world of shadows. Because, as she, the headmistress said with a pious smile on her face of a zealous believer (oh, the hypocrite!), she did not have the intention to prolong my job contract at the school.

headmistress - A woman who is the principal of a school, usually a private school.
pious - having or exhibiting religious reverence;
zealous - marked by active interest and enthusiasm;
hypocrite - one who puts on a mask and feigns himself to be what he is not;

Oh no, by no means no, how could I think about such a nasty thing as just being sacked by her on purpose for neglecting my duties. No, no. But why don’t I retire instead? It’s time, high time. You see, she said, you had been working very hard and for very long years as a pedagogue, which is not simply a profession but a vocation, a calling, and she had the inkling I had got a bit tired during the years. No enthusiasm in me or anything.

vocation - призвание
inkling - лёгкое подозрение (I had an inkling of it - я подозревал это);

And besides I was paid a pretty high (high?, my foot) salary here as a veteran teacher, a salary that she could easily split at least between two novices, who would be, I would agree, more handsome and good-looking, much more energetic and enthusiastic, and besides just think about, will I, the economy she could have this way. There would be no need at all to cut the bonuses she received so far from our Good Fathers of the school.

my foot - как бы не так;
novices - новичок; неопытный специалист

Well, she did not, like me and all the other teacher colleagues as well, work for money either, but on the other hand, money is money you know .... And what is still more important young teachers are by far more obedient than the old dogs who are not ready to learn the new tricks she wanted them to master. See what she means? So, I’d rather understand her point and see the light of the day. It is not as difficult as that if one is smart enough (I was not, was I?) to understand.

obedient - послушный; покорный

After all life is not all honey and cakes, or lollypop, is it? But, on the other hand she had some good news for me as well. I could participate for the last time, if I wished, in a low cost travel to Mariazell, which is a very nice place quite close to here, in the neighbouring Austria. Officially it should be a pilgrimage on part of the Catholic school she was the head of, and cost almost nothing.

lollypop - a confection consisting of a piece of hard candy attached to the end of a small stick.
pilgrimage - паломничество

Our Good Fathers were going to pay the travelling costs and also part of the accomodation. Not the food, and the beer of course. But Janosh, her assistant, would take some very good Eger wine with him from his own cellars, and perhaps some bracer as well. It would be fun, sure. No need to worry. I said thanks, and told my Christian boss, my sister in Christ that it was O.K., and I would go with pleasure with them to take part in the pilgrimage. And I also told her that, well, I knew (and asked her to excuse me) that I had passed sixty-two, and this way I was also a sinner as everybody else since Adam and Eve, sinned a lot against people and God, so it would do me no harm at all if I decided to repent. Why not to listen to a sermon, to make a confession and to participate in a Holy Communion in that most famous Cathedral of Mariazell, and say thanks to God for having allowed me to reach an age to retire. Besides the trip, well, the pilgrimage, really promised to be fun. Good weather, good company, good people, and of course one was unable not to yield the temptations either the journey in a convenient bus promised to have in store. Wine direct from the producer, pick-me-up, and Austrian beer. What can be better than that? There is no use meditating about future and panicking.

repent - раскаяться;
sermon - проповедь;
yield - сдаться; подаваться;

To be continued.

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Автор рассылки Костенко Андрей Владимирович.
Этот выпуск подготовили Любовь Абрамова и Dr.Ortutay Peter.

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