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Управление софтверными проектами в Украине

Доброго времени суток!

Сегодня Вашему вниманию мы представим информацию о конференции Quality Assurance: Management & Technologies (QAMT Ukraine).

Уверены, что время, которое Вы уделите чтению нашей рассылки, будет полезно Вам и всей Вашей компании.





Dear Sirs,

Welcome to the 3-rd SOFTWARE QUALITY CONFERENCE in Ukraine – QAMT Ukraine Autumn 2008!

In one event-filled day, you will learn, share your experiences with others, and establish valuable contact network with Ukrainian and foreign partners: experts, customers and vendors.

Date and place of realization: November 15 2008, Kyiv, 1-3 Frunze str., D section, KIMO-Consulting Training Center, Kontraktova Ploshcha metro station.

Develop your IT business with the help of advertising opportunities QAMT Ukraine Autumn 2008 for search of the new partners, signing of the new contracts, attraction of attention to your company!

Quality Assurance: Management & Technologies (QAMT Ukraine) – The Ukrainian international conference in the field of quality, testing and safety of the software, QA outsourcing, modern QA management and QA technologies, and also other accompanying directions of the international IT cooperation in Ukraine, Russia, countries of CIS, Europe and USA.

Full information for registration on QAMT Ukraine Autumn 2008 is applied below.

For more information please contact us by mob.
+38-066-0-333-175, +38-097-670-55-77
or e-mail: qamt.ukraine@gmail.com, alphatest.info@gmail.com

Yours faithfully, Alex Landar

Organizer and Project manager, QAMT Ukraine
Business Partner in CIS and Europe, CyberQ,
Original Software, Atlassian Software, Better Software Director, Software Quality Centre AlphATesT Director, International magazine "Hunt for QuAlity" Project Manager Professional, UPMA mob. +38-066-0-333-175+38-097-670-55-77 or e-mail: qamt.ukraine@gmail.com, alphatest.info@gmail.com

На сегодня - все. До новых встреч.
Выпуск подготовила Татьяна Таганская, taganskaya@ukr.net

Приятного климата в офисах желает Вам вся команда УАППО.

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