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Продвинутый English

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Продвинутый English Advanced English Newsletter #147

A warm welcome to all subscribers! Здравствуйте, уважаемые подписчики!
Выпуск #147
Электронные записки для изучающих английский язык
Hi there.

It has been more than half a year since my last newsletter. As many of you would know, some three years ago I left the Northern Hemisphere for the Southern Hemisphere. Yes, it's cool here. Many things are different, including those you would probably never think of. For example, summer in the north is winter in the south, the constellations you can see here are different, the Moon appears differently and I am yet to test a theory that says if the water is released from a bath tub in the Northern Hemisphere, it travels in one direction, whereas in the Southern Hemisphere, it travels in the other direction. More relevantly, time is tighter here than it's ever been, and I doubt that those old good times when I had so much more of it for English alone would ever come again.

Nonetheless, I will probably be able to send out my newsletter once or twice a month. The issues will be smaller, entirely in English and focusing largely on the advanced level. (I am not interested in Basic English, and it's just hard to me to type Russian.) I really am not sure about the structure, or even the useful content of the future issues of this newsletter. There is an enormous amount of material on the Internet that covers virtually all aspects of English literacy and is written by professors and other professionals, with whom I am not in a position to compete. I think of simply reviewing the stuff that is either new to me or maybe just well forgotten. For example, should it be "well-forgotten" instead? Why is it "well-known" in one place and "well known" in the other? Such (and more interesting) questions come and go every day, often unanswered, but sometimes you do have time to get back to them and investigate the answer. While this blue book  does answer the above questions, the material on hyphens there is somewhat incomplete. I will probably have my own summary of rules on using hyphens to share with you in the next issue, but I encourage you to have your own. Doing such summaries often enough is the way to perfection in using English. If you are not looking for perfection only because you will never be perfect, then bear in mind Paul Halmos's "You can't be perfect, but if you don't try, you won't be good enough". So if you want to be good enough...

Andrey Kostenko

Автор рассылки: Andrey Kostenko  (c) 2001-2011

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