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                                  НОВОСТИ БУДДИЗМА

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7 декабря 1999


1. Письмо в ООН за свободу Тибета

Дорогие друзья-буддисты!
Все, кто болеет душой за свободу Тибета - подпишите от имени Вашей
организации это письмо в ООН и пошлите по адресу antodob@oceanfree.net, в
Западноевропейской кодировке.

World UN Tibet Appeal
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 09:32:15 +0200
From: anto 

There follows the text and signature list of the World Tibet UN Appeal, to
be presented to UN Sec.Gen. before the Dec. 10th. UN General Assembly,
Human Rights Day. It would be a great help if you could add your group's
signature to the list. If you can copy it, and encourage other NGOs in your
area to sign as well, that would be even better. Please email me as soon
as possible with your response: anto 

Thank you,
Anthony OBrien, TSG Ireland, Appeal Co-ordinator


H.E. Mr. Kofi Annan
The Secretary General of the United Nations,
The Office of the Secretary General
The United Nations
New York

Dear Secretary General,

 In the light of your recent visit to China, and with regard to the
USA-China preliminary agreement on entry to the World Trade Organisation,
China's  record on human rights remains a major issue. In view of your own
affirmation of the universality of Human Rights, ( Annual Report to the UN
General Assembly on the 20th. September 1999 ) it is all the more important
that China, whose abuse of human rights has been virtually
institutionalised under the present regime, be persuaded that it is time to
move onwards from the present, deplorable position.

China always claims that human rights, far from being universal, are
strictly a matter of "internal affairs," a position we do not accept.
Equally unacceptable is President Jiang Zemin's recently re-iterated view
that subsistence is the basic human right, and that the others must come
later, in contradiction to the UN Convention China has signed. Nor indeed
can we accept the Chinese view that human rights are somehow a western
concept, not applicable in Asia, or with different standards for different
races. As the Tibetan monk Palden Gyatso pointed out in his account of 33
years in Chinese prisons, "Fire under the Snow," eastern people feel the
pain of electric shocks, beatings torture and bullets just the same as
everyone else. Doubtless the victims of the recent Falun Gong suppression
would feel the same.

It is sad to reflect that as long as the UN Universal Declaration of Human
Rights has been in existence, Tibet has suffered under Chinese occupation.
The UN Charter declares that the fundamental human right is that of
self-determination. In this regard, we recall that only last year several
Tibetans in exile in Delhi went on prolonged hunger strike, one even
burning himself to death, followed by a second hunger strike at the UN in
 this year, in the desperate hope that the UN would do something to help

In recent years the Tibetans have seen the UN intervene on behalf of
Kuwait,  Kosovo, and East Timor, but still Tibet is ignored and
unrepresented at the UN. We recall that both the PLO and the ANC enjoyed
observer status at the UN. Furthermore, the Chinese occupation of Tibet is
an "unresolved dispute," and therefore as a party to that dispute China
should not be eligible to vote on any Security Council motion concerning

The Tibetan hunger strikers, with the support of the International
Commission of Jurists, called for:

1. Resumption of the UN debate on Tibet based on the General Assembly

Resolutions adopted in 1959, 1961 and 1965, the latter two of which
specifically recognised the Tibetan people's right to self-determination.

2. Appointment of a Special Rapporteur to investigate the human rights
situation in Tibet.

3. Appointment of a Special Envoy to promote a peaceful settlement of the
Tibetan question, and a UN plebiscite of Tibetans to decide their future.

We would especially ask that you insist, as a matter of urgency, on
personal contact between a UN representative and the young Gedhun Choekyi
Nyima, the Panchen Lama recognised by the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan
people, who has not been seen since he and his family were kidnapped by the
Chinese authorities in May, 1995. Very recent reports have emerged from
China, South China Morning Post, 5th. November ) which suggest that he may
have died in Lanzhou No.1 Prison last month, and may already have been
cremated. As the Chinese authorities have consistently forbidden access to
the young boy and his family, it is a matter of the greatest urgency that
you personally establish whether he is indeed alive, and call for his
release. He is now aged 10, still officially the world's youngest political

We understand the limitations within which your visit to China operated,
but we sincerely hope, inasmuch as China is slowly opening to less
totalitarian ways of being, that you will use every resource to make some
substantial progress on the status of Tibet.

Yours sincerely:

 Signatures of participating organisations

 A.F.R.I., Ireland
 Alaska Tibet Committee, USA
 Association des Etudiants de Sherbrooke, Canada
 Associazione Italia-Tibet
 Australia Tibet Council
 Austria Family Planning Organisation
 Austrian Parliamentarians for Tibet
 Aryatara Institut eV Munchen, Germany
 Bay Area Friends of Tibet, USA
 Boston Tibet Network, USA
 Buddhist Peace Fellowship
 Buddhist Social Action Network of B.C., Canada
 Canada Tibet Committee
 Canada Tibet Committee, Edmonton,Alberta.
 Canada Tibet Committee, Calgary Chapter
 Canada Tibet Committee, Victoria Chapter
 Canadian Labour Congress
 Capital Area Tibetan Association. Washington DC, USA
 Captive Daughters
 C.I.S.L. Italy
 Citizens against Communist Chinese Propaganda, USA
 Colorado Friends of Tibet, USA
 Committee of 100 for Tibet
 Comite de Soutien au Peuple Tibetain, Belgium
 Comite de Soutien au Peuple Tibetain, France
 Comite de Soutien au Peuple Tibetain, India
 Comite de Soutien au Peuple Tibetain, Switzerland
 Conservancy for Tibetan Art and Culture, USA
 Council for the Interfaith Call for Freedom of Worship in Tibet and
 Universal Religious Freedom
 Deutsche Buddhist Union, Germany
 Dhamma Park Project, Thailand
 Noel Davern, TD, Minister of State, former Minister of Education, Ireland
 Senator Joe Doyle, former Lord Mayor of Dublin, Ireland
 Duckworld Travel, USA
 Earthwatch, Ireland
 East Timor Solidarity Campaign, Ireland
 ECOTibet, France
 ECOTibet, Germany
 ECOTibet, Ireland
 Engaged Buddhist Network, Germany
 Free Tibet Campaign, UK
 Friends of Tibet, Austria
 Friends of Tibet, Florence, Italy
 Friends of Tibet, Germany
 Friends of Tibet, Greece
 Friends of Tibet, India
 Friends of Tibet, Italy
 Friends of Tibet, Malta
 Friends of Tibet, Netherlands
 Friends of Tibet Newfoundland, Canada
 Friends of Tibet, New Zealand
 Friends of Tibet, Seattle, USA
 Friends of Tibet, St. Petersburg, Russia
 Friends of Tibet, Switzerland
 Friends of Tibet, USA
 Galway One World Centre, Ireland
 Gelugpa Berlin, Germany
 International Campaign for Tibet, USA
 International Media Chair for the Parliament of World Religions
 International Tibet Independence Movement
 Irish Parliamentarians for Tibet
 Israel Friends of the Tibetan People
 Karma Kagyu Verein, Germany
 Kashi Church Foundation, USA
 Latin American Solidarity Centre, Ireland
 Les Amis du Tibet, Switzerland
 Les Amis du Tibet, Belgium
 Los Angeles Friends of Tibet, USA
 Maryknoll Missionaries, Cambodia
 Maryknoll Missionaries Thailand
 Maryknoll Missionaries Vietnam
 Loseling Institute, Atlanta, USA
 Maitreya Institute, Netherlands
 Milarepa Foundation, USA
 Senator Brian Mullooly, Chairperson of the Irish Senate
 Namkhai Norbu Group, Netherlands
 New Zealand Tibet Commitee
 Norwegian Tibet Committee
 North American Representative to the Tibetan Parliament in Exile
 Wangchuk Dorjee )
 Ms. Ragnhild Nystad, Vice-President, Sami Parliament, Norway
 Orange County Friends of Tibet, Ca. USA
 Des O'Malley, TD, Chairman of Irish Parliamentary Foreign Affairs
Committee founder of Progressive Democrat Party, former Minister of Trade,
Industry & Commerce, and Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs, Ireland
 Michael O'Kennedy, TD,former Foreign Minister, Minister of Finance,
 and EEC Commissioner, Ireland
 Ottawa Friends of Tibet, Canada
 Overseas Mon Young ( Burmese ) Monks Union Thailand
 Oxfam Ireland
 Parliamentary Lobby Group for Tibet, New Zealand
 Pax Christi, Ireland
 Princeton Area Friends of Tibet, USA
 Prof. Ole Henrik Magga, former President, Sami Parliament, Norway
 Ruairi Quinn, TD, Irish Parliamentary Labour Party Leader.
 Reflexies Management Training, Netherlands
 Rigpa, Germany
 Rigpa, Netherlands
 River Fund ( for AIDS and cancer sufferers ) USA
 Sami Parliamentarians for Tibet, Norway
 Sami T.S.G., Norway
 San Diego Friends of Tibet, USA
 Save Tibet, Austria
 Senator David Norris, Irish Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Commitee
 Social Democratic Youth of Sweden
 Society for Threatened Peoples International, Europe.
 S.O.S. Mitmensch Austria
 S.O.S.Tibet, Brazil
St. Petersburg Buddhist Union, Russia
 Students for a Free Tibet, USA
 Students for a Free Tibet, Berkeley Ca., USA
 Students for a Free Tibet, Boulder, Colorado, USA
 Students for a Free Tibet, Canada
 Students for a Free Tibet, Chicago, USA
 Students for a Free Tibet, Concordia University, Canada
 Students for a Free Tibet, Dunedin, New Zealand
 Students for a Free Tibet, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
 Students for a Free Tibet, Madisaon, Wisc.,USA
 Students for a Free Tibet, Malibu, California, USA
 Students for a Free Tibet, Montreal, Canada
 Students for a Free Tibet, New Zealand
 Students for a Free Tibet, Stanford U. USA
 Students for a Free Tibet, Sweden
 Students for a Free Tibet, Switzerland
 Students for a Free Tibet, UCF, Orlando, Florida, USA
 Students for a Free Tibet, UCLA, USA
 Students for a Free Tibet, Madison,Wisconsin, USA
 Swedish Parliamentary Group for Tibet
 Swedish Tibet Committee
 Swedish Tibet Projects
 Swiss Tibetan Friendship Association
 The Tibet Society of the United Kingdom
 Tibetan American Foundation, Minnesota, USA
 Tibetan Association of Minnesota, USA
 Tibet Association of Northern California, USA
 Tibetan Association of Washington, USA
 Tibetan Assoc. of Southern California, USA
 Tibet Bureau Geneva, Switzerland
 Tibet Committee, Edmonton Alberta, Canada
 Tibet Committee Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
 Tibetan Community of Quebec, Canada
 Tibetan Community in Austria
 Tibetan Community of New Zealand
 Tibetan Nuns Project, USA
 Tibet Culture Centre, Switzerland
 Tibet Democratie, Geneva Switzerland
 Tibet Education Network, Global Source, USA
 Tibet Environment Watch, USA
 Tibet Foerderkreis eV, Germany
 Tibet Forum, Germany
 Tibet Independence Movement, Australia
 Tibet Initiative Deutschland eV, Germany
 Tibet Initiative Muenster, Germany
 Tibet Initiative Munchen, Germany
 Tibet Information Service, Germany
 Tibet Information Service, Malta
 Tibet Independence Movement, Australia
 Tibetisches Zentrum eV., Germany
 Tibet Online International
 Tibet Society of South Africa
 Tibet Support Group Ireland
 Tibet Support Group Johannesburg, South Africa
 Tibet Support Group Malta
 Tibet Support Group Netherlands
 Tibet West Michigan, USA
 Tibet Women's Organisation, Switzerland
 Tsepon W.D. Shakabpa Memorial Foundation, USA
 T.W.A.S. Switzerland
 United States Tibet Committee
 Utah Friends of Tibet, USA
 Utah Tibetan Association, USA
 Vietnamese Canadian Federation
 Western Colorado Friends of Tibet, USA
 Wisconsin Tibetan Association, USA
 Women in Development Europe, Austria
 World Artists for Tibet
 World Tibet Day Foundation, USA

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